Essential Vitamins & Minerals

Building Strong Bones: The Importance of Calcium for Kids

Cute girl in pigtails flexing muscles with a glass of milk at the table.

As a parent, your child’s health is a top priority. Ensuring they have strong bones and teeth is an important part of their growth and development. Did you know that calcium is a key player in this process? From the time they are born to when they become adults and beyond, calcium helps support their bones and teeth.* Keep reading to learn more about why calcium is important for kids and easy tips to make sure your kids get enough of this essential mineral every day.

Why is it important for kids to build strong bones?

Think of bones as a lifelong foundation that supports your body every day. During childhood, bones grow in size and density, reaching their peak between age 19-30. That’s why it’s important for children to gain as much bone density as possible while growing—you’re setting them up for a healthy future.

How to strengthen bones

There are several things you can do to support your children’s bone health. Encouraging them to consume foods rich in bone-supporting nutrients like calcium is a great start. It’s also important to promote physical activity because it uses their bones and muscles. Activities like walking, jumping, skipping, running, and even climbing on playground equipment can all help strengthen bones.

What does calcium do in the body?

Calcium plays an important role in supporting your l’il ones’ bone and teeth health*—in fact, 98% of calcium in the body is stored in bones! If your kiddos don’t consume enough calcium for their body’s needs, it pulls calcium from their bones’ reserves.

How much calcium do kids need?

The Daily Value for calcium for kids 2-4 years old is 800 mg of calcium per day. For children 4 and above, the Daily Value of calcium is 1,300 mg per day.

What are kid-friendly foods with calcium?

There are several different ways to add calcium to your child’s diet. Let’s look at some kid-friendly foods with calcium.

Delicious and nutritious: Good sources of calcium for kids

Food Serving Size Amount of Calcium (mg)
Milk, 2% milkfat 1 cup 309
Yogurt 6 oz 291
Fortified Soy Milk 1 cup 237
Cheddar Cheese 1 oz 200
String Cheese, part skim 1 stick 196
Canned salmon with bones 3 oz 195
Kale, cooked 1/2 cup 177
Tahini (sesame butter) 2 tbsp 127
Spinach, cooked 1/2 cup 123
Tofu, firm with calcium sulfate 3 oz 100
Bok choy, cooked 1/2 cup 93
Low-fat yogurt tube 1 80
White beans ½ cup 80
Almonds 1 oz 76

Fun ways to make kid-friendly meals and snacks with calcium

While it can be helpful to know which foods are a great source of calcium, sometimes it’s hard to figure out foods that your kids will want to eat. Milk, yogurt, and cheese are staples for adding more calcium to your kiddo’s diet, but here are some other easy ways to add more calcium to meals and snacks in ways your kids will love:

Almond delight: Almonds are a fun snacking nut – they can be eaten alone or sprinkled on top of oatmeal, pudding, or cereal.

Smoothie superhero: It’s easy to add calcium by blending yogurt into smoothies. Frozen fruit also adds vitamins and fiber!

Plant milk unleashed: Most milk alternatives, like soy, oat, and almond milk, are fortified with calcium levels similar to cow’s milk. Be sure to read the label, as not all plant-based milks add calcium.

Flavor fusion: If your child doesn’t love the flavor of plain milk – try flavor stir-ins! Add a small amount of strawberry or chocolate syrup to a glass of milk to give it more oomph.

Pudding paradise: Puddings made with milk or calcium-fortified milk alternatives contain a boost of calcium as well as being a yummy treat. Top with fruit or nuts for added nutrients and fiber!

Salmon sensation: Salmon burgers made with canned salmon, herbs, an egg, minced onion, and breadcrumbs can be a delicious and healthy alternative to hamburgers. Be sure to check the label of the canned salmon, as not all varieties have calcium in them.

Quesadilla fiesta: While cheese quesadillas provide calcium themselves from the cheese, add cooked spinach and black beans for a calcium (and fiber!) boost.

Tantalizing Tofu: Dice tofu into cubes, and sauté with soy sauce and sesame oil for a flavorful burst of calcium.

Tahini twist: Tahini can be used in place of peanut butter for fun snacks, such as tahini-topped crackers or apple slices. A sprinkle of raisins gives a boost of sweetness and fiber.

Are there calcium supplements for kids?

If your kiddo doesn’t consume calcium-rich foods regularly due to food preferences or allergies, kids' calcium supplements can be a great way to support their calcium intake.

L’il Critters Bone Support* gummies provide a good source of calcium in every serving, with added vitamin D3 to help with calcium absorption.* In bumbleberry blast and sour blue raspberry flavors, these unicorn and dragon-shaped gummies are a fun way to support your kiddo’s health and development and they’ll enjoy every bite.* And best of all, one two-gummy serving of these yummy gummies has as much calcium as a 5-ounce glass of milk!

Are there other nutrients that help support bones?

Vitamin D also supports bone health and helps promote calcium absorption.* That’s why we’ve included 4 mcg (160 IU) of vitamin D in every gummy of L’il Critters Bone Support*!

No bones about It – Calcium is where it’s at

Calcium plays an important role in children’s bone health as well as health and development as they grow.* While dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese are common sources of calcium, you can also find it in dark leafy greens, almonds, and beans. When in doubt, L’il Critters Bone Support* gummies provide both calcium and vitamin D in fun unicorn and dragon shapes to support your child’s calcium intake and bone health, while offering tasty flavors they’ll enjoy.* By making calcium-rich foods a regular part of your child's diet and encouraging physical activity, you are setting them on a path toward strong bones and a healthy lifestyle.