Digestive Support

What Are Probiotics for Kids & Why Are They Important?

A mother and daughter eating yogurt at home.

Your l’il one’s digestive tract is hard at work every day, breaking down the food they eat and absorbing all those essential nutrients. But did you know that deep within their (and yes, even your own!) digestive tract lies a fascinating ecosystem known as the microbiome? It's like a bustling city full of bacteria and yeast, all competing for space and food. Within this complex ecosystem, probiotics play a crucial role. Keeping reading to learn about probiotics, why probiotics are important for kids, and how these helpful bacteria can keep their tummy in good shape.

What are probiotics?

The word “probiotic” comes from the words “pro” and “biota”, meaning for life. Simply put, probiotics are microorganisms, such as bacteria and yeast, that provide a health benefit and can support a healthy balance in the microbiome.* And there are many different types of probiotics!

Probiotics are often measured in amounts called “colony forming units” or CFUs per serving. Typical probiotic dosages are usually in the millions or billions of CFUs. That might seem like a large quantity, but remember that bacteria are so incredibly tiny, a large number of CFUs is still only milligrams of probiotics.

What are prebiotics?

Along with probiotics, you may have heard about prebiotics. Prebiotics help nourish the probiotics in your gut.* There are many different types of prebiotics, and one type of prebiotic is fiber. Not all types of fiber work as prebiotics though. If you’re looking for a prebiotic, make sure to check the label to see that “prebiotic” is listed!

Can kids take probiotics?

Absolutely! Probiotics can be beneficial for kids and help support their digestive health.* If you're considering probiotics for your child, it's always a good idea to consult with their healthcare provider to determine if it's the right choice for them.

What are the benefits of probiotics for kids?

There are many different types of probiotics, and they all have different benefits for the body. One key benefit of many probiotics for kids is that they support digestive health.* Lots of research is exploring other potential benefits of probiotics, including the role of some probiotics in supporting immune health in children too.*

Where do you find probiotics?

There are two primary ways to add probiotics to your child’s routine:

Probiotic foods for kids

You can find probiotics in several foods that kids enjoy:

  • One kid-friendly food with probiotics is yogurt! Many yogurts contain probiotics, but not all. You’ll want to look for names of probiotics listed on the label such as S. thermophilus or B. lactis to confirm that yogurt has probiotics.
  • Fermented foods are a great source of probiotics. Fermented foods include kimchi, kefir, miso, and sauerkraut. If these foods are new to your kids, offer a variety of opportunities for them to try, as it often takes 8-10 tries for kids to accept a new food.

Kids probiotic gummies

Probiotics can also be found in a variety of supplements for kids. L’il Critters Probiotic gummy with prebiotic fiber offers a delicious way to include probiotics in your child’s day. Every two-gummy serving contains 1 billion CFUs of Bacillus Coagulans with a prebiotic to help support your child’s digestive system.*

Supporting little tummies

Just like adult tummies, kids’ tummies also benefit from digestive support. Probiotic foods and supplements can provide these good bacteria to their digestive tract.* Also, adding prebiotic fiber and supplements can help to nourish these good bacteria.* With both probiotics and prebiotic fiber, L'il Critters Probiotic gummy supplement provides a convenient solution to support your child's digestive health.* We're here to help!

Brought to you by the L’il Critters™ nutrition experts.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.