Essential Vitamins & Minerals

Vitamin E for Kids: The Antioxidant Superpower

A selection of foods rich in vitamin E, including olive oil, hazelnuts, almonds, avocado, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and spinach.

You do so much for your kids. Sunscreen, screentime limits, seatbelts. Making sure they are getting the nutrients they need is also an important part of that list. One key essential nutrient is vitamin E. Vitamin E is an antioxidant superpower, working to help support your child’s health and wellbeing.*

What is Vitamin E?

Vitamin E is an essential nutrient with many important jobs. It is a(n):

  • Antioxidant: Antioxidants help fight free radicals.* Because kids’ bodies are constantly creating free radicals as a by-product of daily living (as our bodies do too), it also means kids need a daily supply of antioxidants to help neutralize them.* Vitamin E is one of these helpful antioxidants.
  • Essential vitamin: Vitamin E is an essential nutrient that your kiddos need to consume. It’s something the body needs to function, and our bodies can’t make it so we have to consume through diet or supplements.
  • Fat soluble vitamin: Vitamin E is part of the family of vitamins that are fat soluble, along with vitamin A, vitamin D, and vitamin K. Fat soluble vitamins are absorbed and stored along with fats in the body.

Can kids take vitamin E?

Yes, kids can take vitamin E. You’ll find it in many children’s multivitamins, as vitamin E is an essential fat-soluble vitamin. Talk to your kiddo’s health care professional if you have questions about your child’s vitamin E needs.

What does vitamin E do for kids?

Among the many vitamin E benefits is that vitamin E is an essential nutrient to support your kiddo’s overall health and wellbeing.* Vitamin E has many important functions in the body, including its antioxidant benefits.*

How much vitamin E do kids need per day?

The Daily Value of Vitamin E is 6 mg per day for children ages 2-3 years old and 15 mg per day for children 4 years old and above. Vitamin E is not required to be listed on food packages, however, if there is vitamin E in the food, it is sometimes listed in the nutrition facts panel. The supplement fact panel on vitamins and supplements will list the amount of vitamin E in the product per serving.

Which foods have vitamin E?

Vitamin E is found in a wide variety of plant-based foods, such as oils, nuts, seeds, and dark green leafy vegetables. The list below is a great start for including more vitamin E foods into your family’s day, even if you have picky eaters!

Food Serving Size Amount of vitamin C (mg)
Sunflower seeds, dry roasted 1 oz 7.4
Almonds, raw 1 oz 7.26
Grapeseed oil 1 Tbsp 3.92
Olive oil 1 Tbsp 2.93
Peanut butter 2 Tbsp 2.92
Pine nuts 1 oz 2.61
Hazelnuts 1 oz 2.52
Canola oil 1 Tbsp 2.42
Spinach, cooked 1/2 cup 2.24
Peanuts, roasted 1 oz 1.96
Kiwi, raw 1 fruit 0.975
Mango, raw 1/2 cup 0.74

Where can I find vitamin E in a supplement for my kids?

L’il Critters Multivitamins offers several yummy gummy vitamins with vitamin E:

  • Gummy Vites Multivitamin: With delightful cherry, strawberry, orange, pineapple, and blueberry flavors, Gummy Vites include vitamins A, B12, B6, C, D, and E. These yummy gummies provide a fusion of essential nutrients to support health and development*.
  • Multi+ Digestive Support* Gummy Vitamin: Every 2-gummy serving has 7 essential nutrients to support health and development* plus prebiotic fiber, with tasty cherry and orange flavors.
  • Paw Patrol Multi Gummy Vitamin: Kids will love the yummy blueberry, cherry, and orange flavors in their favorite Paw Patrol characters. You’ll love that there’s 12 mg of vitamin E as well as 10 other nutrients in every 2-gummy serving.

Summing it up: the benefits of vitamin E for kids

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that helps support your kiddo’s overall health and wellbeing.* You can find vitamin E in vegetable oils, nuts, and seeds, as well as in some fruits and vegetables. If you’re looking for multivitamins that include vitamin E to help ensure your child’s needs are met, L’il Critters offers several multivitamins that are an excellent source of vitamin E. Let the power of vitamin E help to protect your kids!*

Brought to you by the L’il Critters™ nutrition experts.