Essential Vitamins & Minerals

Everything You Wanted to Know about Omega-3 for Kids

Closeup of smiling girl on a laptop eating mixed nuts at home.

As parents, we strive to provide our children with everything they need for healthy development. You might have come across information about the importance of omega-3 for children. Are you wondering if your children are getting enough? Interested in the benefits of omega-3 for kids? Want to know how to incorporate more omega-3s into your child’s day? Let’s talk about these essential fats and explore what omega-3 fatty acids can do for your child.

What are omega-3 fatty acids?

Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of healthy fat called polyunsaturated fats, also known as PUFAs. Fatty acids are the building blocks of the fats in our bodies and in our foods. There are several different types of omega-3 fatty acids, commonly referred to by their abbreviations due to their long names. Some common omega-3 fatty acids are alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

Omega-3 fatty acids are part of all the cells in your and your little one’s body—they are an important part of the cell membranes. During periods of growth and development, new cells are constantly being formed, which is why omega 3s are so important!

Illustration of omega-3 vitamin sources in a circle frame chart with colorful icons of oil, fish, seafood, nuts, and seeds.

Should children take omega-3s?

Omega-3 is an essential fat, but some kiddos may not like to eat the foods it’s found in. Some parents may want to supplement their child’s intake with an omega-3 supplement. If you have any questions if your child should take an omega-3 supplement, talk with your child’s health care professional.

Omega-3 benefits for kids

Omega-3 fatty acids have some important benefits for kids. In fact, Omega-3 DHA is an important nutrient for the brain and eyes*. It’s an essential fat, which means kids need to get it from their diet or supplements because their bodies can’t make enough of it on their own.

What foods for kids are high in omega-3?

Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in several foods:

Food Serving Size EPA (mg) DHA (mg) ALA (mg)
Salmon 3 oz, cooked 858 618
Anchovies 1 oz, cooked 216 366
Sardines 3 oz, cooked 435 468
Pacific oysters 3 oz, cooked 745 425
Trout 3 oz, cooked 243 577
Mackerel 3 oz, cooked 369 677
Tuna, canned 3 oz 21 167
Omega-3 fortified eggs 1 egg 2 63 60
Dried Seaweed snack 1 package 2
Flax seeds, whole 1 Tbsp 2350
Walnuts 1 oz 2570
Chia seeds 1 oz 5060
Canola oil 1 Tbsp 1280
Soybean oil 1 Tbsp 920

How much omega-3 do kids need?

While there is no national recommendation for how much total omega-3 fatty acids kids should consume every day, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recommendations for fish intake for children.

The FDA recommends that children eat 2 servings a week of fish. As some fish can be contaminated with mercury, depending on where the fish is from and the type of fish, it is helpful to review current recommendations on the best choices for types of fish. If you are looking for fish that are higher in EPA and DHA while being lower in mercury, the USDA’s Dietary Guidelines recommends salmon, anchovies, sardines, Pacific oysters, and trout.

A child’s serving of fish is smaller than servings for adults. Fish serving sizes for kids are:

  • Age 1-3 years: 1 ounce
  • Ages 4-7 years: 2 ounces
  • Ages 8-10 years: 3 ounces
  • Ages 11 and older: 4 ounces

Are there omega-3 supplements for kids?

Omega-3 supplements for kids are available, and range from gummies, to capsules or liquids. L’il Critters Omega-3 gummy supplements offer a tasty way for kids to help get their omega-3s and contain DHA/EPA and ALA omega-3 fatty acids. And with a delightful citrus berry flavor, there’s no fishy taste!

L’il Critters™ Omega-3 gummies contain high-quality, purified, and concentrated fish oil that is tested for heavy metals, such as mercury and lead.

Omega 3: Nothing fishy about it

Omega-3 fatty acids are healthy fats that we all need, and omega-3 DHA is an important nutrient for the brain and eyes.* Offering foods with omega-3 fatty acids to your kids, including fish, nuts, and seeds, helps provide the omega-3 fatty acids they need. L’il Critters Omega-3 gummies provide a delicious way to add omega-3 fatty acids to your kiddo’s day. By incorporating these healthy fats into their diet, you're setting the foundation for a bright and healthy future.

Brought to you by the L’il Critters™ nutrition experts.